Udanti Sanctuary, Raipur, Chhattisgarh - Wildlife and bird watching

Wildlife, Bird Watching

Hovering in an area of 232 sq.kms in Raipur district,Udanti Sanctuary is one of the most attention-grabbing wildlife of the area. The sanctuary got its name as the River Udanti flows in the large portion of the entire sanctuary from west to east. Sanctuaries gain their popularity with their amazing wildlife and lust green vegetation and both of these features are there in this sanctuary of Raipur. The main wild animals that you can see in this sanctuary are the Tigers, barking deer, sloth bear, four-horned antelopes, jungle cat, wild dog, porcupine, etc. Also, bird watchers must visit this sanctuary as they can witness their rare bird species among which the main are racket-tailed drongos, magpie robin, herons, egrets, parrots, etc.

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