Ooty is quite familiar hill station and is situated in Niligiris. For travel convenience within the city, tourists will find lots of means of transportation at very reasonable rates like one can find there Auto rickshaws, Jeeps, rented bicycle and also taxis. For reaching from railway station to hotel, it is advisable to hire a jeep or a taxi and most commonly they used to charge Rs. 200 for dropping you at city center. Other means to explore Ooty are as follows:
Rented Bicycle
Though private cars, jeeps and taxis are the best mode for getting around Ooty, yet travelling on bicycle add a lot to your excitement of travelling the hill stations. Tourists will find lots of bicycle on hire from the lake and it is really great to see the city on cycle. Basically, these cycles are available at Rs. 20 per hour and almost all the nearby places can be easily accessed by cycle.
For a day excursion, there are lots of jeeps available for rent which will take you to many of the nearby areas and they charge Rs. 500 per day.
Taxis are the best option for going to the nearby villages and other superb plantations and these taxis are available at bus stands. Usually, they are available at Rs. 750 per day.