Schlenkerla Brewery And Tavern, Germany - Monuments


Schlenkerla is a world-famous tavern situated in Bamberg Germany. The tavern is most well-known for the rauchbier (smoke beer) it brews, which is Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier. This smoke beer has been distilled since 1678 in this historic brewpub which has been around since 1405. It is called smokebeer because of the smokey zest of the beer, which is a result of the procedure used to arid the malt during brewing. The wet malt is dried with the smolder of a fire made from beechwood logs, which succumbs a smokey flavor. Let alone that the township has been affirmed a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the grounds of exerting a main architectural influence over the realm and being the centre of the Enlightenment in southern Germany. Cheers!

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