History of Ranthambore


The history of Ranthambore is dated back to the 12th century the Delhi Sultan, Iltutmish captured the Ranthambore Fort after defeating the Chauhan Kings. Again it was regained by Maharaja Govinda, one of the Chauhan Kings in the 13th century and was then ruled by King Vagbhatta. In 1301, Alauddin Khilji took hold of the region after defeating Rajput King Hamir. The real glory of the land of Ranthambore and its magnificent fort reached to the pinnacle in the reign of Emperor Akbar in 1569 AD. Later the fort was transferred to the Kachwaha rulers of Jaipur and became a much favored hunting ground for the Maharajas of Jaipur in Rajasthan and was retained by them until the Independence of India.


In 1955, it was officially declared as a game sanctuary and in 1972, it got the honor of being the Tiger Reserve of India. Finally, in 1980, the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve acclaimed the status of a National Park and since then it has been attracting a huge crowd of wildlife enthusiasts to witness some of the rare and endangered species of Bengal Tigers and other wild animals roaming about freely in a natural ambience.