Rani ka Talab, Ambala, Haryana - An ancient pond dated back to 400 years ago

Temple, Scenic, Lakes, Garden

Rani kaTalab is a famous attraction in Ambala city and is located near the Ram Bagh. The place is a hisotical testimony of the ancient city and was built by Raja Ranjit Singh about 400 years ago. It is said that the king dug up two ponds with the names Raja kaTalab and Rani kaTalab. Later on the Raja kaTalab was turned into a modern park called as the Patel Park. Nearby the pond is the Thakur Dwara Temple which was built in the memory of Sikh Guru Gurbaksh Singh. Besides, a temple of Lord Vaman is also placed near the pond where an annual fair is organized on Dusshera. The pond has eight bathing areas and every day a number of devotees take a dip here before entering the temple.

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