Olakaruvi Falls, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu - Mind-boggling picturesques and best for day-excursion along with great waterfall

Waterfall, Scenic, Picnic

Olakaruvi Falls is also one of the must see destinations in Kanyakumari. It is located at only 80km away from Thiruvanathpuram, 20 kms from Kanyakumari and about 39 kms from Nagercoil. The place plays the role of main attraction for the nature-lovers. As per the famous legends, this water fall has power to rejuvenate the old people. To reach this dazzling waterfall, one has to do around one hour’s trek. After reaching there, one forgets all his tiredness by watching the mind-boggling picturesque. Basically, the entire waterfall is classified into two falls – the lower falls and the higher falls.

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