Madurai Food

Being the main city of Tamil Nadu, the rime cuisine of Madurai revolves round South India. Therefore, one could see the maximum dishes found prominently on all the restaurants are Idli, Sambhar, Sambharwada, Dosas and many more. Almost all the food joints in Madurai prepare their dishes in coconut oil which makes the food much tastier and healthier. Not only dishes but the city also attracts the visitors by offering them most delicious drinks of Madurai like Paruthi Pal, Jil Jil Jigarthanda, fruit mixture drink and none other than sugarcane juice.
It would be great experience for foodie to eat in Madurai as there are numerous restaurants that offer delicious and special dishes. Top of the all, the food is served with great hospitability and in warm welcoming manner which add a lot to the flavor of the food. If longing for trying typical south Indian food, then you should go for the “Thali” as it contains different types of varieties belonging to the place. And, these thalis are very economical too. But, if you are in mood to have luxurious food in luxurious hotel, then also there is no dearth of top-rated hotels in Madurai.
The main restaurants in Madurai are Taj Garden Restaurant, Surya Rooftop Restaurant, Modern Restaurant, Arya Bhavan, Ruby Restaurant, and many more…