Zefat, Israel - Museum and Mountains

Art Gallery, Handicrafts, Mountaineering, Museum

The antique city of Zefat is also spelled Safed, Tsfat, Zfat, Safad, Safes, Safet, Tzfat, etc. It is a fairly small township in Northern Israel located 3200 feet above sea level in the mountains of the Upper Galilee. The striking location of Zefat provides wonderful panoramic vistas north to the Hermon and Lebanon, west to Mt. Meron and the Amud Valley, east to the Golan and south to Tiberias and the Kinneret. Zefat is one of the four sacred cities in Israel, the others being Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias. Slender cobbled lanes enlightening artists' galleries, private homes and small guest houses and medieval synagogues and museums give the township an exclusive contour. Ceramics, Diamonds and handicrafts flourish in Zefat.

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