USA Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit USA

The United States has mixed weather conditions, and the best time to visit depends both upon the place and the season. Spring (March, April, May) and autumn (September and October) are usually cooler, more comfy times to visit. Summer months - June, July, and August - are normally hot regardless of the region, but winter temperatures (November-February) can differ significantly depending upon the part of the US you are visiting. The southern part of the country tends to be heater in the winter than the north. The general climate of the continental US is moderate, but keep in mind that Hawaii is tropical and Alaska is arctic. Many of the country's dependent territories, such as Guam, PuertoRico, and the US Virgin Islands, are also humid.


Summer is considered the peak tourist season all through the country; other popular travel times are major American holidays, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as Easter Week and the school holiday known as Spring Break. Certain destinations, such as New York, are perpetual favourites and are busy year-round; even when the weather may not be pleasing, these destinations have particular attractions or experiences that always draw travellers. In some parts of the country, travel services may be limited during the low or off-season, in the main due to weather conditions.

Best Season : May to September. Temperature: Summer 24 to 47°C, Winter -44 to 5°C

Monthly USA Weather

Month Jan best time to visit usa Feb best time to visit usa Mar best time to visit usa Apr best time to visit usa May best time to visit usa Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Weather Condition usa-weather-in-Jan usa-weather-in-Feb usa-weather-in-Mar usa-weather-in-Apr usa-weather-in-May usa-weather-in-Jun usa-weather-in-Jul usa-weather-in-Aug usa-weather-in-Sep usa-weather-in-Oct usa-weather-in-Nov usa-weather-in-Dec
High 6°C 8°C 13°C 19°C 24°C 29°C 31°C 30°C 26°C 20°C 14°C 8°C
Low -2°C -1°C 3°C 8°C 14°C 19°C 22°C 21°C 17°C 10°C 5°C