Travel Within Thailand


The simplest and cheapest means of Public Transport in Thailand is the "Samlor". It is a tricycle. You will find "Samlors" all over the place in Thailand, except in the middle of Bangkok. The traffic there is too crowed. But even in calm parts of Bangkok and in the outer reaches you will find them. The current edition of the "Samlor" is the motorcycle taxi. The next stage in Thai Public Transport is the "Tuk-Tuk's". There are numerous types of buses in Thailand, and in Bangkok in particular! The “normal” buses don’t have air-conditioning and is really cheap. However it is comfy. The motorboat rides across the floating markets are more fascinating. The State Railway of Thailand presents train services right through the country at very sensible fares. Itinerant by plane in Thailand is usually suitable and economical. There are three major airlines with broad domestic routes – Thai Airways, Bangkok Airways and budget carrier Air Asia.