Myanmar Weather

Best Season & Best time to visit Myanmar

Myanmar weather climate has divided into three chief seasons: summer, rainy season and cold season. From March to mid- May are summer months; the rain falls from mid-May to the end of October and the cold season starts in November and ends in the ending of February in Myanmar. Usually, Myanmar enjoys a humid monsoon weather climate. However Myanmar weather climate conditions vary generally from place to place due to widely differing topographical situations. Temperature of towns very according to their location and altitude. Usually Myanmar weather hot season is from March to May, rainy season is from June to October and cold season is from November to February. The tropical monsoon in Myanmar is generally cloudy, rainy, hot, humid summers and less cloudy, scant rainfall, mild temperatures, lower humidity during winter.


Just like the Thais, the Burmese discriminate three major seasons for Myanmar weather, the cold season from October to February, the hot season from March until the beginning of June (with peak temperatures around 45 degrees Celsius) and the rainy season from the middle of June to September. The dry zone (between Mandalay and Pyay) gets the least rain, although roads anywhere (and particularly in the delta region) can become impenetrable.

Best Season : Jan to May. Temperature: Summer 24 to 45°C, Winter 20 to 24°C

Monthly Myanmar Weather

Month Jan best time to visit myanmar Feb best time to visit myanmar Mar best time to visit myanmar Apr best time to visit myanmar May best time to visit myanmar Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Weather Condition myanmar-weather-in-Jan myanmar-weather-in-Feb myanmar-weather-in-Mar myanmar-weather-in-Apr myanmar-weather-in-May myanmar-weather-in-Jun myanmar-weather-in-Jul myanmar-weather-in-Aug myanmar-weather-in-Sep myanmar-weather-in-Oct myanmar-weather-in-Nov myanmar-weather-in-Dec
High 32°C 35°C 36°C 37°C 33°C 30°C 30°C 30°C 30°C 32°C 32°C 32°C
Low 18°C 19°C 22°C 24°C 25°C 25°C 24°C 24°C 24°C 24°C 22°C 19°C