How to reach Bomdila
Find best way to travel to Bomdila
Reach Bomdila by Rail
Bomdila does not have its own railway station and the nearest rail head is at the town of Tezpur which is around 160 km away. Another nearest rail junction is at Rangapara in Assam. Though Tezpur has very less trains available but it is well linked to Guwahati. Rental taxis and cabs are available from Tezpur to reach Bomdila.
Reach Bomdila by Road
Many private and state owned buses are directly available from Tezpur and Guwahati to reach Bomdila. Moreover regular bus service of APSTC and ASTC run from Tezpur, Tawang, Itanagar and other places to reach Bomdila.
Reach Bomdila byAir
The nearest airport to Bomdila is Tezpur airport in Assam which is at a distance of about 160 km. it has three weekly flights to Kolkata. Another nearest airport is at Guwahati which is connected to major airports in the country. From the airport, one can hire taxi or bus to reach Bomdila.
Driving Directions & Map for Bomdila
Distance between cities - Bomdila
Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition |
High | Low | Rain |
- | - | - | - |
- Best Season: Oct - Apr
- Summer: 25 - 40°C
- Winter: 15 - 21°C
- Rain:
- Altitude: 440m (1444 ft)
Bird Watching, Caves, Fishing, Fort, Garden, Hiking, Hill Station, Jungle Safari, Lakes, Monastery .....
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Feb | 24°C | 13°C | 67mm |
- Best Season: Oct to Mar
- Summer: 25 to 35°C
- Winter: 7 to 22°C
- Rain:
- Altitude: 116m
Art Gallery, Bird Sanctuary, Bird Watching, Garden, Golf, Jungle Safari, Lakes, Monuments, Picnic, Scenic .....
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Feb | 26°C | 13°C | 2mm |
- Best Season: All Year
- Summer: 25 to 38°C
- Winter: 11 to 25°C
- Rain: May to Sep
- Altitude: 55m (180 ft)
Art Gallery, Bird Watching, Boating, Garden, Hiking, Lakes, Mountaineering, Museum, Picnic, Rock Climbing .....
Entertainment, Heritage, Land, Nature, Pilgrim, Water
Month | Weather Condition | High | Low | Rain |
Feb | 26°C | 12°C | 20mm |
- Best Season: Oct - Mar
- Summer: 25 - 35°C
- Winter: 10 - 20°C
- Rain: Apr - Sep
- Altitude: 55m (180 ft)
Bird Watching, Boating, Lakes, Monuments, Museum, Picnic, Planetarium, Scenic, Temple, Wildlife .....