Gorsam Chorten, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh - The largest Buddha stupa in the region


Dated back to the 12thcentury, Gorsam Chorten is the largest Buddhist stupa of the region and is located around 90 km from the main town of Tawang. It was founded by Lama Pradhar, a Monpa monk. The exterior architecture of the chorten comprises of a semi circular dome on the top resting on a three terraced plinth. Four miniature stupas are erected on the lower most terraces in each of the four corners. The base of the stupa is square in shape having each side of 170 feet in length. A circular path encircles the stupa for the pilgrims to go for praying and is called as Kora. It is really a not to miss attraction during your visit to Tawang.

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