Basilica Virgin Guadalupe, Mexico - Catholic Church, Mountains, Religious Site, National Shrine

Scenic, Mountaineering, Church

The Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe is situated on the Tepayac hill in a northern suburb of Mexico City. On December 12, the High Holy Day in the Mexican Calendar, millions of tourists’ horde to this pilgrimage centre to The Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe to worship celebrate, and honour the appearance of the brown-skinned Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego in 1531. The story behind the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe isthat, Juan Diego, a mild and humble natured, Nahuatl-speaking native who was of late converted to Christianity sees Virgin Mary at the site of the memorial to the Aztec Goddess, Tonantzin. The Virgin, who appears to Juan Diego 4 times, asks repetitively to build a church in her honour. The current church was built on the site of an earlier 16th century and was completed in the year 1709.

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