Bada ImamBara, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - Great tangle named Bhul-Bhulaiya


Among the monuments in Lucknow, the first name that strikes is that of BadaImambara. Also well-known as AsafiImambara, this magnificent monument was constructed by NawabAsif-ud-Daula. This architectural delight was built in 1784 and was built with a motto to offer employment during the famine in Lucknow. What exactly this marvel attracts for!! Amazingly, the main hall of this monument has no beams and pillars. Therefore, the architect of this spot from Iran named Khifayatulla was given credit for constructing such a wonder. “Bhul-Bhulaiya” is the name given to the tangle which lies at the top of this monument. So, it is advisable to explore the place with guides for the safety measures.

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