Lakshadweep Food

Eating out in Lakshadweep is not a big deal as it is one of the main tourist destinations in India. Different part of India has great specialty in their cuisines, then how come Lakshadweep be exception? The astonishing islands of Lakshadweep are famous for their particular delicious foods and therefore, every islands offer something different in front of tourists. But mainly, one thing common you will find in all the islands – vegetarian food with spicy taste along with great flavor of coconut in it. For non-vegetarians also, there are myriad of special dishes available for them like varied dishes of fried and grilled fishes. Coconut plays a great role in all type of cuisines of Lakshadweep. Even, one can enjoy drinking coconut water which is the most famous drink of Lakshadweep.
The local restaurants of Lakshadweep offer many types of food like Chinese, Thai, Korean as well as Indian. Therefore, eating out very delicious food in Lakshadweep proves to be great experience for both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian. There are many eateries found in Lakshadweep to provide you mouth watering dishes especially for those who are fond of global cuisines. If you want to enjoy the real flavors of local cuisines of Lakshadweep, then must sure make a visit during festivals’ time.