Kirti Stambh, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan - A high monument dedicated to Jain Teerthankars

Scenic, Mountaineering, Monuments

Kirti Stambh, popularly known as the Tower of Fame, this 22 meters high monument is a great place to be visited in Chittorgarh. This seven storied tower is dedicated to the first Jain Teerthankar Adinath and was built by a Jain merchant in the 12th century. Designed in the Solanki style of architecture, this Jain Tower is a worth seeing due to its marvelous balconies, carvings and niches. In addition to a huge sculpture of Adinath, it also houses figures of different Jain teerthankars which are exquisitely carved on the walls of the tower. The uppermost storey of the tower offers wonderful views of the entire city and beckons a huge crowd to enjoy the splendor of forgone past.

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