Janakpur, Nepal - Temple


Janakpur is located in the south of the Tarai 22 km from the Indian boundary. The township is the heartland of the antique Maithili culture which gave birth to its own language and script. Janakpur is also a well-liked pilgrim center; and it is said that the Goddess Site (also known as Janaki) was born was born and married Rama in this sanctified place. Maithili is still spoken by sections of the populace in both the Tarai and the neighboring Indian state of Bihar. Maithili women also keep up their traditional folk art, chiefly in the form of intricate paintings on the mud walls of the houses and courtyard floors. The township is centered on the large Janaki Temple neighboring which, to the south and east, lies an area of slender, bazaar-filled streets where conventional merchandise is traded. The Ram Mandir, a temple in the Nepalese pagoda fashion, is situated there too.

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