Hungary Food

Hungarians consume a variety of foods. Pork is very well-liked, as smoked products, sausages, and cutlets. Seasonal vegetables are usually consumed, in addition to staples like potatoes, rice, and pasta. The cuisine is subjective by many other countries, including Turkish from the times of the Ottoman Empire's occupation of the area. Traditional dishes in Hungary comprise stuffed cabbages (sarma) and tarhonya, both remnants of the Ottoman Empire. The Hungarians' use of paprika is perhaps the single most conventional cooking bastion. Traditional dishes are characteristically seasoned with paprika, onions and garlic. Some of the archetypal Hungarian dishes comprise goulash (gulyas), braised meats (porkolt), "langos" which is akin to fry bread and is the private national street food in Hungary, various sausages like "hurka" and "kolbasz", stuffed cabbage, and "lecso".