Frasers Hill, Malaysia - Hills, Resort, Pristine Forests, Golfing, Bird Watching, Bird Sanctuary

Scenic, Mountaineering, Bird Watching, Bird Sanctuary

Malaysia is sacred with the profusion of breathtaking natural beauties. One of belovedtraveler destinations in Malaysia is Fraser's Hill. Fraser's Hill of Malaysia is placed on the Titiwangsacrest in Pahang state. This famed place is about 104 kilometers from the capital conurbation Kuala Lumpur. It is one of the admired hill retreats in Malaysia.

Fraser's Hill has been coroneted so after Louis James Fraser, who was a British fortune huntsman and regalexplorer. The mound is located at 1,524 meters above the sea level. The hill is constructed on seven hills and is a magnificent place for birdwatchers. A stopover to Fraser's Hill will indulge you with verdanttrees, revitalizingatmosphere and above all, a milieu that is tranquil and sedative.

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