Fish Aquarium, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - Appealing and alluring display of different species of fishes and marine life


Fish Aquarium is another big entertainer in Bhopal especially proves to be interesting for kids. This outstanding aquarium was built on 31st May, 1977. Extending over an area of 1 hectare, this fish aquarium was built in a double-storey building in a fish shape. The top storey has 40 glass aquariums displaying colorful and attractive species of fishes whereas the lower one has 26 aquariums in which different fishes from lakes, ponds and rivers are displayed. Therefore, this source of entertainment is best time-pass for all the age group people offering 66 varieties of fishes. Top storey houses main fishes like golden shark, paradise blue, etc. whereas you can see Rohu, Katla, etc. in the lower portion.

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