Ardastra Zoo, Bahamas - Ardastra Gardens and Zoo

Zoo, Scenic, Garden

If you’re an animal lover you’ll enjoy certainly enjoy you visit to the Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Centre. Learn about the animals and birds of the islands and enjoy a stroll that may lead to an encounter with a Bahamian resident such as a raptor, boa constrictor or a splendidly feathered parrot. The keepers at the Zoo frequently walk the inhabitants and the gardens are also full of gorgeous birds, some of which live in the Zoo but stroll freely in the Gardens. If you love plants then this colourful paradise will be such a special place to visit. Bursting with colour all year round, expect to see a forty foot mahogany tree, stunning varieties of palms, bougainvillea and hibiscus of every colour imaginable, rare bromeliads and orchids and of course, many unusual fruit trees.

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