History of Aizawl


History of Aizawl began in the year 1890 when the Officer Dally of the Assam Police came to the present Aizawl with his 400 men. He came here with the motto to assist the troop of Colonel Skinner during the operation of British military against the tribal people. There, Dally suggested the Colonel to construct a fort at Aizawl and as per his suggestions the massive buildings and stockades were built there. The revolution of the tribes in 1890 was covered by the British and Robert McCabe was declared as the Deputy Commissioner of the Lakhimpur district. He enforced more than fifteen tribal chiefs to capitulate. Now, many troops were placed at the city.


Again, in 1892, other tribal uprising was topped by McCabe. Gradually, the city Aizawl became the core headquarter of the first Assam Rifles. Finally, in the year 1966, Mizos national front revolution was taken place and the entire region came under their captivation and Indian Air Force had to take the help of the many several air strikes and as a result, Mizo National Front has to withdraw themselves and have to give up. Thus, Aizawl city of Mizoram had undergone through various events which today made the chapters of its part history.